So, this post is kind of
“my message in a bottle”.
Ideas not yet tested. Not yet thought. Ideas that could rise to a mind like Steve Jobs had.
Ideas that this world is greatly in need. Disruptive ideas.
Among all my ideas exposed in this blog, there's two main new business concepts, which are:
I will go anywhere! If there will exist dreamers like me over there on those parts.
Japan or Korea would be nice... I wish to experience living in a society like the one in the land of the rising sun or in the country of the calm morning.
Or some nordic countries, like Finland, Sweden or Denmark. I admire their way of life. Or perhaps mostly, an energetic fresh blooded and dynamic brand new democracy, Estonia. Or the other Baltic countries.
Or the Czech Republic. Or Switzerland. Or Canada, in the new world. Mostly in its province of Quebec. Which can one day be independent.
Of course too, in places where people dream really big. And money flows more than anywhere else. Like the so obvious United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain...
But also Oman, Kazakhstan (Astana, said to be the world's weirdest capital city) and Turkmenistan (yes, they have this ambition of building the Dubai of the Caspian Sea, at Avaza). And the always tempting empire of the middle, China...
Yes, these would be great places to go and relive. And this is not at all a closed list yet.
I’m 55 years old now. But I feel to be young. Thanks to an angel - not exactly a "business angel", although that is what she wants to be with me - that recently crossed my life. And to whom I will be eternally grateful for having showed me who I am.
As I said in the beginning, I have to rebuild my life from scratch. I will do it for my sake. And for hers, too. I owe her this.
I’d like to think I'm just starting now to spread my wings.